We hope to see many of you in Santa Barbara at the Annual CCAPA Conference. Come by our table (Table M, Vineyard Terrace) where you can browse all of our Solano Press titles.
Use your conference discount to add to your Solano Press library, including the new 3rd edition of California Water. We will also take pre-orders for our new title, Natural Resource Regulation in California, by Clark Morrison & Scott B. Birkey. And don’t forget to enter our drawing for a Solano Press Gift Certificate!
Several Solano Press authors will be presenters at conference sessions, sharing their expertise:
David Early on SB2 Planning Funds
Antero Rivasplata and Margaret Sohagi with the annual CEQA Update
Thomas Jacobson on Property Rights, Takings And Exactions
Join Solano Press in supporting the CPF Auction, where you can bid on a Solano Press Gift Certificate to benefit planning students in their studies.