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Practical CEQA: A Stepwise Guide to California Environmental Quality Act Compliance


 Practical CEQA 2024 Update


The 2024 Update by Antero Rivasplata and Greta Brownlow, the following is a general update on CEQA since publication of Practical CEQA: A Stepwise Guide to California Environmental Quality Act Compliance. The update includes pertinent new legislation, new interpretations of CEQA taken from case law, and pending changes to National Environmental Policy Act regulations. The following discussions are organized by Practical CEQA chapter. Not all chapters have updates.

 Practical CEQA 2023 Update

California Land Use & Planning Law, 36th edition



This Supplement containing analyses of the most important decisions published in 2018 concerning California land use and planning.

For over three decades, California Land Use & Planning Law has provided a succinct and definitive summary of the major provisions of California's land use and planning laws. It has been cited by the California Supreme Court and numerous appellate courts as an authoritative source.

The General Plan in California



Since the publication of The General Plan in California in late 2015, there have been several changes to California law in respect to General Plan preparation.  This Addendum, prepared by author David Early, documents the following additions to the law:

  • New General Plan Guidelines
  • Senate Bill 379
  • Senate Bill 1000
  • Senate Bill 32
  • 2017 Housing Bills

Exactions & Impact Fees in California


2014 Supplement (PDF)


Significant cases discussed in the 2014 update include the United States Supreme Court decision in Koontz v. St. Johns River Water Management District decision involving ad hoc and potentially legislatively imposed exactions, as well as the California Supreme Court decision applying the Mitigation Fee Act to inclusionary housing requirements (Sterling Park L.P. v. City of Palo Alto).

CEQA Deskbook, 3rd Edition


2020 Supplement (PDF)

2019 Supplement (PDF)

2018 Supplement (PDF)

2017 Supplement (PDF)

2016 Supplement (PDF)

2015 Supplement (PDF)

2013 Supplement (PDF)


The 2020 Update by Antero Rivasplata CEQA only applies to discretionary actions. Failure to act or inaction is not an activity subject to CEQA. (Lake Norconian Club Foundation v. Department of Corrections (2019) 39 Cal.App. 5th 1044 [“… the failure to act is not itself an activity, even if, as may commonly be true, there are consequences, possibly including environmental consequences, resulting from the inactivity.”]).

The 2019 Update by Antero Rivasplata includes new statutes and case law for 2018. Because the CEQA Guidelines amendments adopted by the Natural Resources Agency are so extensive, they are not all represented in this update; the exception is the new VMT transportation impact metric.

The 2018 Update by Antero Rivasplata includes summaries of the decisions by the California Supreme Court and new statutes enacted in 2017. It also highlights new interpretations of CEQA regarding “piecemealing,” identifying the project in the draft EIR, and ministerial projects, among others. 

The 2017 Update by Antero Rivasplata includes new discussions of the administrative record and subsequent environmental documents. These discussions now reflect the optional provisions for preparing a concurrent administrative record established by Senate Bill 122 (Chapter 476, Statutes of 2016) and the California Supreme Court's decision on a subsequent document in Friends of the College of San Mateo Gardens v. San Mateo County Community College District (2016) 1 Cal.5th 937. This 2017 Update includes changes to the 2013 Addendum.

The 2016 Update includes all key court decisions during 2015, such as the California Supreme Court's decisions on impacts of the environment on the project (California Building Industry Assoc. v. Bay Area Air Quality Management Dist.), greenhouse gas analysis (Center for Biological Diversity v. California Dept. of Fish and Wildlife), and the obligation to mitigate impacts (City of San Diego v. Board of Trustees of California State University). Use this update, along with the 2015 Update and 2013 Addendum to keep your copy of CEQA Deskbook, 3rd edition current.

The 2015 Update contains a summary of Assembly Bill 52's new requirements for consultation with California Native American tribes, new decisions by the California Supreme Court on the adoption of voter-initiated ordinances and the baseline for CEQA analysis, and an advisory about a San Diego court decisions that may muddy the waters with regard to how greenhouse gas emissions reductions are analyzed.

The 2013 Addendum updates CEQA Deskbook, 3rd edition to include legislation and key court decisions on CEQA from 2013, including the California Supreme Court's Neighbors for Smart Rail decision on baseline.