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California Land Use & Planning Law, 39th Edition
by Cecily Talbert Barclay and Matthew S. Gray
price: $65.00
For over three decades, California Land Use & Planning Law has provided a succinct and definitive summary of the major provisions of California's land use and planning laws. It has been cited by the California Supreme Court and numerous appellate courts as an authoritative source.
Cecily Barclay has authored this book since 1999 and was joined by Matt Gray as co-author in 2006. This year, Cecily and Matt focused on making the book more concise and reader-friendly, while still addressing the most significant new developments of the past several years. Like all editions published
since his passing, this book is again dedicated to
Dan Curtin, who first authored it over 40 years ago.

A comprehensive guide to how land use planning works in California. Extensive, easy-to-use cross-references help readers find what they need and understand the connections and interrelationships among a wide range of planning topics. A vital resource for new and seasoned planners; students in planning and related fields; and professionals in public works, architecture, landscape architecture, law, real estate, public health, air quality, water resources, wildfire management, transportation, coastal resources, and climate protection - as well as journalists, community activists, land conservation and historic preservation advocates, and legislative staff.
Guide to California Planning, 6th Edition
by William Fulton
price: $35.00
Practical CEQA: A Stepwise Guide to California Environmental Quality Act Compliance
by Antero (Terry) Rivasplata and Greta Brownlow
price: $40.00
A step-by-step reference for public agency staff, consultants, attorneys, developers, and citizens seeking to understand the environmental review process. Explains CEQA from start to finish in plain language. Offers practical advice to help CEQA practitioners make their way through the process.
Natural Resource Regulation in California
by Clark Morrison and Scott B. Birkey
price: $67.50
For anyone seeking an understanding of the complexities of state and federal wetlands and endangered species permitting in California. This book is a resource for lawyers, students, teachers, planners, biologists, resource managers, local government officials, consultants, and members of the public It provides a useful guide that offers both a broad perspective and detailed information on the agencies, laws, regulations, and policies that govern the permitting process.
Navigating the California Coastal Act
by Jana Zimmer
price: $40.00
The only book that provides a comprehensive but concise overview and guide to practice under the California Coastal Act. Offers a clear understanding of current substantive standards and procedures—including how development along the coast is defined, where it may be permitted and under what substantive and procedural standards, and how jurisdiction over planning for development and conservation in coastal areas is determined. Practice tips throughout the book suggest ways to work effectively with Coastal Commission staff and present cases to the Commission.
Navigating the California Coastal Act is intended for planners and officials at local, state, and federal agencies, as well as property owners, real estate developers, attorneys and judges, interested citizen activists, and students.
Guide to Local Government Finance in California, 2nd Edition
by Michael Multari, Kenneth Hampian, Bill Statler, and Michael Coleman
price: $45.00
Guide to Local Government Finance in California, 2nd edition brings the financial picture for California governments up to date, while making the book even easier to use.
This new edition provides a solid foundation for those who are interested in better understanding and navigating the complexity of California local public finance. The first edition, published in 2012, introduced a unique look at local government finance covering not only the vital fundamentals - like budgeting, accounting, and investing - but also lesser known yet equally powerful forces that affect the ability of cities, counties and special districts to deliver essential services.
Eminent Domain
by Richard Rypinski and Alan Sozio
price: $37.50
The new, completely updated edition of Eminent Domain: A Step-by-Step Guide to the Acquisition of Real Property is a thorough and precise step-by-step guide through the process California public agencies are required to follow in order to acquire private property for public purposes, from project inception and land valuation through filing and obtaining possession.
For public sector attorneys, land acquisition staff and appraisers, and others who need to know how the eminent domain process works.
The Open Space and Land Conservation Handbook
by Jeff Loux
price: $32.50
A comprehensive handbook offering practical solutions for the preservation of open space and natural resources. A how-to guide that provides the reader with quick references, case studies, simple methodologies, and analysis of various approaches to open space preservation.
The Open Space and Land Conservation Handbook is designed for planners, landscape architects, government administrators, consultants, open space and land conservation professionals, decision-makers, and community leaders who want to enhance their area's capacity for protecting valuable natural resource and recreation lands.
California Water, 3rd edition
by Arthur L. Littleworth and Eric L. Garner
California Water, 3rd edition is a thoroughly updated third edition of this concise guide to historical, legal and policy issues affecting water use in California. California Water, 3rd edition covers new and emerging topics, including the Sustainable Groundwater Management Act, climate change and conservation, and features new maps of California’s major water supply systems and enhanced water quality content.
California Environmental Law & Policy: A Practical Guide, 2nd Edition
by Albert I. Herson and Gary A. Lucks
price: $65.00
The only book that covers the entire field of California environmental, land use, and natural resources law in a concise, user-friendly format. Authors Herson and Lucks have now thoroughly updated and expanded the first edition, including
Significant updates to federal and state environmental law that occurred between 2008 and late 2016.
An additional major chapter on international, national and state climate change law and policy.
This book was written to serve the needs of planners, project applicants, developers, landowners, regulatory agency staff, consultants, attorneys, environmental managers, interested citizens, and students with a survey of California environmental law written for a general, non-technical audience.
Written in non-technical language, the book comprehensively surveys the most important California environmental statutes and regulatory programs, as well as relevant federal environmental statutes and regulatory programs. It highlights landmark court cases and current policy issues, and provides practical tips on getting through the regulatory process successfully. To assist in more in-depth research, the book identifies sources of further information for each major program.
Guide to California Planning, 5th Edition
by William Fulton and Paul Shigley
price: $32.50
Since it was first published in 1991, Guide to California Planning has served as the authoritative textbook on city and county planning practice throughout the state. The first book ever written that covers all aspects of planning in a single state, Guide to California Planning is used as a textbook in virtually every college- and graduate- level planning program in California.
In this revised and expanded fourth edition, William Fulton and Paul Shigley lay out planning laws and processes in detail and describe how planning really works in California - how cities and counties and developers and citizen groups all interact with each other on a daily basis to shape California communities and the California landscape, for better and for worse. Significant new topics addressed in this edition include the state's increasing focus on smart growth, infill, and transit-oriented development and ways of reducing greenhouse gas emissions.
Easy to read and understand, Guide to California Planning is far more than a textbook. It's an ideal tool for planning professionals, members of allied professions in the planning and development fields, and citizen activists.
The General Plan in California
by David Early
price: $40.00
A detailed guide to preparing and updating a city or county General Plan in accordance with California law - with many ideas and tips relevant to comprehensive and regional planning across the US. Offers approaches to creating General Plans that are legally sound, technically rigorous, progressive, and reflective of the communities they serve. A practical, valuable reference for public sector planners, consultants, interested citizens, and students.
This book provides:
- A detailed overview of legal requirements for General Plans.
- Creative ideas for organizing the General Plan, following both State guidelines and other organizational models.
- Detailed information on requirements and how to prepare the seven mandated General Plan elements, as well as ideas for optional elements too.
- A step-by-step, nuts-and-bolts guide to the General Plan process.
- An overview of the technical studies needed to support General Plan preparation.
- Ideas for incorporating sustainability into the General Plan.
- Options for involving the community in the General Plan process.
- An overview of the environmental review process for General Plans under the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA).
- Information about adoption, implementation, and on-going maintenance of General Plan.
California Land Use & Planning Law, 37th edition
by Cecily Talbert Barclay and Matthew S. Gray
price: $55.00
Now includes the 2019 Supplement
For over three decades, California Land Use & Planning Law has provided a succinct and definitive summary of the major provisions of California's land use and planning laws. It has been cited by the California Supreme Court and numerous appellate courts as an authoritative source.
This 37th edition summarizes two years of published decisions, statutory revisions and other agency policies and guidance.
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