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Join us for the 2024 APA Conference:
Cultivating Our Future
Riverside Convention Center
Sept. 28 - Oct. 1
Join us for the highly anticipated American Planners Association California Conference, a premier gathering of planning professionals, thought leaders, and enthusiasts from September 28th to October 1st. This year’s conference promises to be a dynamic and transformative event, hosted at the Riverside, California Convention Center. With an array of engaging sessions, workshops, and networking opportunities, attendees will gain valuable insights into the latest trends, best practices, and innovative solutions in urban and regional planning.
Whether you’re a seasoned planner, a budding urban strategist, or someone simply passionate about building better communities, this conference is your chance to connect, collaborate, and contribute to the ever-evolving field of urban planning. Discover fresh perspectives, share your expertise, and be part of a vibrant community of professionals dedicated to shaping the future of California’s cities and regions. Don’t miss out on this unique opportunity to learn, network, and be inspired – mark your calendar for the American Planners Association California Conference from September 28th to October 1st in beautiful Riverside, California!
Natural Resource Regulation in California
For anyone seeking an understanding of the complexities of state and federal wetlands and endangered species permitting in California. This book is a resource for lawyers, students, teachers, planners, biologists, resource managers, local government officials, consultants, and members of the public It provides a useful guide that offers both a broad perspective and detailed information on the agencies, laws, regulations, and policies that govern the permitting process.
“Finally, a one-stop guide to the complex world of natural resource regulations in California! Morrison and Birkey have written the most comprehensive book on this important subject to date. Although written from a legal perspective, it is very accessible to all. Morrison and Birkey’s book should be on the desk of all practitioners who work in California—consultants, government regulators, government infrastructure agency staff, engaged stakeholders, and environmental attorneys.
I will recommend it to all of my staff and colleagues.”
DAVID ZIPPIN, Vice President and Practice Leader,
Habitat Conservation Planning and Implementation, ICF
“Written by two of the state’s top legal practitioners, Natural Resource Regulation in California is a remarkably useful guide through the complexities of the federal and state laws that protect biological resources in California. I know of no other volume that so comprehensively—and clearly—addresses the legal principles and procedural steps that project applicants must follow in order to obtain the biological permits they need for their projects. This information is useful, though, not just to developers and other permittees, but also to the agency staff who regulate such parties and to environmental advocates and other members of the public concerned with protecting California’s extraordinary biological heritage.”
JIM MOOSE, Senior Partner, Remy Moose Manley, LLP
California Water, 3rd Edition

California Water, 3rd edition is a thoroughly updated edition of this concise guide to historical, legal and policy issues affecting water use in California. Covering new and emerging topics, including the Sustainable Groundwater Management Act, climate change and conservation, and features new maps of California’s major water supply systems and enhanced water quality content.
“Littleworth and Garner have achieved the impossible. They have untied California’s Gordian knot of water rights, laws, and policies and made them understandable for all. With California’s water management teetering on the edge of crisis, this timely book is critical for everyone working on and learning about the state’s challenges in an age of growing population, unsustainable water demand, and increasing climate change impacts.” - Mark Gold, Associate Vice Chancellor of Environment and Sustainability, UCLA
For more information, click here.