Wetlands, Streams, and Other Waters
Full title: Wetlands, Streams, and Other Waters: Regulation, Conservation, Mitigation Planning
- Item# WE2
- ISBN: 978-0-923956-76-9
- Copyright (c) 2004
- Paperback
- Price: $50.00
This book offers an overview of the complex laws and regulations governing our nation's waters. It is a guide to federal and state laws and permitting requirements, and provides guidance on the preparation of wetland conservation plans.
- Introduction
- Ecology of Wetlands and Other Waters
- Jurisdictional Limits of Wetlands and Other Waters
- Federal Regulation of Wetlands and Other Waters
- Section 404 Permitting Process
- State Wetland Laws
- Mitigation Planning
- Regional Wetland Conservation Planning
- Epilogue
Wetlands, Streams, and Other Waters offers an overview of the complex laws and regulations that govern our nation's waters.
In clear and understandable language, this book describes the processes required and options available to comply with federal regulation of wetlands, streams, and other waters throughout the United States. It is a practical, comprehensive guide that will prove invaluable to permit applicants, public agencies, environmental organizations, and attorneys confronting these issues.
Written by technical and legal experts, the book guides the reader through the permit process for projects in wetlands and streams, suggesting strategies to plan and protect resources. Drawing on extensive personal experience, the authors unravel the intricacies of the regulatory programs, suggesting how to navigate the regulatory process effectively and efficiently.
Wetlands, Streams, and Other Waters exhaustively dissects Section 404 of the Clean Water Act and Section 10 of the Rivers and Harbors Act. It also introduces other related federal laws, and comprehensively summarizes regulations in all 50 states.
An indispensable desktop reference, Wetlands, Streams, and Other Waters not only answers day-to-day questions about regulatory compliance, but directs the reader to a wealth of additional resources.
Topics include:
- Wetland ecology
- Determining jurisdictional limits of wetlands, streams, and other waters
- Federal and state regulatory programs for wetlands, streams, and other waters
- Best approaches to the permit process and permitting agencies
- Mitigation planning and implementation
- Regional wetland conservation planning
- Extensive appendices including regulatory text and additional resources
Paul D. Cylinder, Ph.D., is a Principal with Jones & Stokes. Dr. Cylinder uses his training and experience in ecology and environmental regulations to assist clients in complying with Section 404 of the Clean Water Act, the federal and state Endangered Species Acts, the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), and various other federal and state environmental regulations that address natural resources. Dr. Cylinder has conducted ecological studies, biological resources impact assessments, and endangered species surveys; facilitated wetland delineation and permitting; developed habitat conservation plans, natural resources management plans, habitat restoration plans, biological resource mitigation plans, endangered species recovery plans; and prepared biological and physical resource databases and maps. Dr. Cylinder received his Ph.D. in botany from the University of California, Berkeley, and his B.A. in biological sciences from the University of Chicago.
Kenneth Bogdan, J.D., is Environmental Counsel with Jones & Stokes. He specializes in compliance issues related to environmental laws and regulations, including Section 404 of the Clean Water Act, federal and state Endangered Species Acts, NEPA, and the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). Mr. Bogdan regularly teaches and speaks at workshops and conferences on wetlands, endangered species, NEPA, and CEQA. He received his J.D. from King Hall, University of California, Davis, and his B.S. in environmental management from Rutgers University.
April Zohn is a Regulatory Compliance Specialist with Jones & Stokes, where she focuses on wetland regulatory issues involving Sections 401 and 404 of the Clean Water Act, the Coastal Zone Management Act, state coastal regulations, and federal and state endangered species regulations. Ms. Zohn specializes in developing permitting strategies and implementation plans for sensitive water resource and coastal zone management projects, and conducts training courses on the federal wetland permitting program and implementation of the Coastal Zone Management Act. Ms. Zohn received her B.S. in marine science from the United States Coast Guard Academy, New London, Connecticut.
Joel Butterworth is a Senior Wetland Scientist with Jones & Stokes, with particular expertise in soil science and wetland ecology. Mr. Butterworth has prepared conceptual and detailed wetland and riparian habitat mitigation plans, evaluated the suitability of candidate habitat mitigation sites, conducted wetland delineations, and prepared erosion and sediment control plans. Mr. Butterworth received his M.S. in geography from Oregon State University and his B.A. in geography from the University of California, Santa Barbara.
Growth and development pressure throughout the United States have collided with efforts to protect our wetlands, streams, and other waters. Agencies, corporations, and individuals wishing to develop or protect these valuable and dwindling resources can become lost in the maze of federal, state, and local laws and regulations. We have attempted to unravel the intricacies of the regulatory programs that control activities in streams, wetlands, and other waters; and offer advice, drawn from extensive professional experience, on how most effectively and efficiently to navigate the regulatory process.
We have written this book for:
- Land use planners
- Project managers for agencies preparing environmental compliance documents
- Developers
- Landowners
- Regulatory agency personnel
- Elected officials
- Environmental consultants
- Members of environmental organizations
- Lawyers
- Water suppliers
- Growers and others involved in agricultural production
- Mine operators
- Foresters
- Ranchers
- Environmentally concerned citizens
Readers will find this book and its extensive appendices to be a valuable and reliable reference on regulation and the environmental permitting process for wetlands, streams, and other waters. The federal regulatory process is presented in detail; state regulatory programs are summarized, and additional information is provided for states with the most extensive regulatory programs. Section 404 of the Clean Water Act and Section 10 of the Rivers and Harbors Act are examined in detail, and other federal laws related to the regulation of wetlands and other waters are introduced.
Readers will find information and advice on:
- Ecology of wetlands and other waters
- Identification of wetlands and other waters
- Federal and state regulatory programs for wetlands and other waters
- Best approaches to the permit process and permitting agencies
- Mitigation planning and implementation
- Regional wetland conservation planning
We hope that the advice in this practical guide will prove helpful in pursuing projects and programs involving wetlands, streams, and other waters throughout the United States.